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Monday, August 11, 2008

Homecoming CG on 080808

Hii Bro and Sis~, do u all know that 08/08/08 is an important date? Wanna know why? is it your lucky number 888? or either Olympics games 2008 at Beijing opening ceremony ? All above are half correct (hehe)... Most importantly 080808 is the day Uniten Caregroup doing cooking ~ Imagine that all the boys cooking for all the people who come (it may not as tasty as Mum's cooking style) but then God gives us a wonderful hand to cook, a pair of eyes to see, a tongue to taste and alot more to bring success to this wonderful homecoming caregroupp.. ~ giving a warm feeling toward home to those who missed their homess~

Here are the pictures of the progress~ Each picture are sorted in this way..
1. 2.

3. 4.

1. Bro. Ah liang (cook of the day aka ah zhong) in action cooking P meat, he actually brought 1.5kg P for this preparation.
2. Bro. Thomas doing some washing...
3. Bro. Ah liang once again in action with his frying pan..
4. Bro. Thomas cutting the orangesssssssssss.

1. Raw P meat.. 2. 3. and 4. Cooking progress (taste good nyum nyum)

1. Presenting the food.. Tasty egg mixed with Long beans 2. Kailan with meat P 3. Long beans with kiam hu 4. Kailan with meat with another angle...

1. Before the food goes to all the fellows stomach.. 2. Finished... with empty plates 3. Bro. Raymond in his sharing momentsss when this picture taken on him 4. After the games, this team has won.. but how come their still eating banana de??????

That's all for today's post .. Hope u all enjoy.. Happy Reading!! God bless you~! Goodbye