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Thursday, May 08, 2008


HAha actually it just a reminder only hahaha.

1. What is Faith???
Ans: According to Cambridge Dictionaries, faith is great trust or confidence in something or
someone. What is ur opinion regarding faith?? for me i think faith is something u trust or
believe but its does not have any evidence but u can feel it such as wind u cannot see it
but u can feel it. It just like God, u know there is God but we cannot see it but we can feel
his presence. He He a bit hard to understand ho he he but this question is for u to think so
think about it what is faith lol.

2. What is Holy Spirit???
Ans: Why before we start any prayer or bla bla bla, we often ask the Holy Spirit Come or we sing praise & worship song there always got some song like some sort of "Holy Spirit Come in
power ...". Isn't God have mention that God have given us the counselor which is the Holy
Spirit to our body after we accepted Christ?? Actually when we say ask the Holy Spirit to
come and refresh us means we are communicate with the spirit not call the spirit come
because the spirit is live within us because we are God's temple, the spirit know every
single move & action of us. (plz read psalm 139 in order to have further understanding)

Haha Quizz finish lol ( apa quiz ini lol)